Instead of assuming you are behind in life....
We can practice replacing assumptions with CURIOSITY? We can ask: "Is there an actual concrete time line to life, when we are all so...
After hours and Emergency Care Contacts
I am unfortunately unable to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Alternate options for emergency/after hours assistance are:
Emergency – 000
Southern Tasmanian Mental Health Helpline - 1800 332 388
Lifeline – 131 114
Suicide call back service - 1300 659467
Beyond Blue – 1300 224636
Mensline – 1300 789 978
Family Violence Support – 1800 608 122
Drug Support – 1300 368 186
QLife – 1800 184527
Headspace 1800 650890
Reachout au.reachout.com
Kids Helpline – 24 hour for children/adolescents 24yo 1800 551800
Educational and Self Help Resources
Anxiety Disorders
The Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria: www.adavic.org.au
Information about Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Agoraphobia, Generalised Anxiety and Depression, and support services.
Centre for Clinical Interventions: www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/about/index.cfm
Provides great tools, resources, handouts on anxiety and mood disorders.
Anxiety Recovery Centre: www.arcvic.com.au
This website provides information about anxiety disorders, their management and links.
Reconnexion: Treating Panic, Anxiety, Depression and Tranquilliser Dependency www.pada.org.au
Information on anxiety and depression (including post-natal depression), related research and publications
Social Anxiety Australia www.socialanxiety.com.au
Information on social anxiety and panic attacks, first-hand accounts from people living with these conditions and links.
Beyond Blue the national depression initiative http://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Moodgym https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome/new/splash - mainly for adolescents and young adults
Blue Pages (depression and anxiety) http://bluepages.anu.edu.au/
Black Dog Institute www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Information on depression (including during and after pregnancy) and Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders (CRUfAD) www.crufad.org
Information about depression, anxiety and its management
SANE Australia www.sane.org
Mental health-related information, links and online help for people affected by mental illness and their families and friends.
Drug and Alcohol
Drug Info Clearinghouse www.druginfo.adf.org.au
A searchable online library with drug and alcohol-related information.
Turning Point www.turningpoint.org.au
Information about substance use - related disorders and their management and an online interactive counselling service .
The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) www.ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au
Information about substance use - related disorders and their management.
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre http://ncpic.org.au/
Evidence based information on cannabis and related harms. Cannabis Information and Helpline (free call) 1800 30 40 50
Grief and Loss
SuicideLine www.suicideline.org.au
Information on why a person becomes suicidal, how to help someone who is suicidal, what to do in an emergency and how to cope with a death by suicide.
The National Association for Loss and Grief
SA: www.grieflink.asn.au NSW: www.nalag.org.au VIC: www.nalagvic.org.au
Information on counselling and support services, seminars, publications and links for people who are experiencing grief following the loss of someone close to them.
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement www.grief.org.au
Grief and bereavement related information and resources, links to websites, counselling services and a message board.
Emotional Regulation and Self Harm
The Melbourne DBT Centre provides access to a range of great resources on Dialectical Behavioural Therapy: http://melbournedbtcenter.com.au/wpress/?page_id=55